Is Lipsense worth the hype?? Day 3, here. The jury is actually still out. I LOVE the idea of this product. The color is beautiful.
Few first impressions; 1. It stings on first swipe. 2. Keep your lips taut when applying and let each thin layer dry totally. 3. Keep your gloss on hand and apply liberally. I havent been and that has impacted how it feels and wears. 4. It really doesn't budge. 5. Take excellent care of your lips. I have eczema and use Corti-balm (behind the counter at the pharmacy but no RX needed) as recommended by my derm. So far Lipsense has NOT exacerbated the eczema but I've been leary of it doing so. Lipsense does not recommend using other lip products but, for me, the Corti-balm is a must. I don't apply it underneath or on top of the Lipsense, just at bed. Lipsense claims that their color exfoliates dead skin and years of buildup from lead and wax found in other products. I'm not so sure that I believe that claim, but I'm giving this product a shot.
6. Its hard to get off. Ive used micellular water, eye makeup remover, jojoba oil and a microfiber towel. None of those remove it easily. My sweet friend Marjorie recommends a glycerin based soap which will be my plan of attack tonight.
I'm giving this stuff six more days of wear; I haven't used the gloss regularly so I do think that has impacted my results, the comfort of wear and overall impressions. Today has been much better than yesterday; I applied Corti-balm heavily last night at bed and have been applying the gloss regularly today.
Have you tried Lipsense yet? What are your favorite colors?
Any update on how it went for you? This is the only place I've seen someone post about having eczema on their lips as well. I use Corti-Balm also, and it is a must. I've been using it at night as well, never during the day and when I'm wearing LipSense. I tried to stop the Corti-Balm for about three days and only use the gloss but my eczema came back :( I'd love to hear how it went for you!